Knowing the Backlink of your site in the correct way


The concept of "backlink" differs according to the method used by webmasters or online content creators to publish links to their pages or articles, and link them to each other.

This method of advertising the site or articles is called (backlink) or "external search engine optimization", or "external SEO."

This method helps webmasters to show their pages in the first search results, and it also helps the content creator or editor in his smart marketing activities outside his site by using other well-known sites.

This method aims to link his site with strong and reliable sources, to give his site confidence, good reputation and publicity, and to facilitate and increase the crawl rate by search engine spiders, which contribute to the appearance of his article or site in the first results of search engines.

Knowing the backlink for your site is important in order to be able to know the links that point to your site because these links are a key factor in your site's rise in order to top search results in search engines such as Google and Bing

Backlink is one of the basics for strengthening the archiving of websites and blogs, such as Blogger, WordPress, and others.

How to find out backlink

Today I offer you the best site to find out the number of your Backlink site, which is a site that provides a distinguished service

We start with the explanation

First, we go to ahrefs > Then copy your site link and paste it on the site as shown in the following image

Then click on Entre > After that, a page will appear with the backlink number and also other statistics such as your search keywords and others