OpenAI announced on Thursday the formation of a new team aimed at evaluating and investigating artificial intelligence models to safeguard against what it deems catastrophic risks.
The team, named Preparedness, is led by Alexander Madry, the director of the deployable machine learning technology center at MIT. Madry was appointed as the head of the preparedness division at OpenAI last May.
The responsibilities of the preparedness team include monitoring and anticipating risks posed by future artificial intelligent systems and protecting them from their potential to persuade and deceive humans and generate harmful code.
The company emphasized its strict focus on certain risk categories, such as chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats, when it comes to artificial intelligence.
Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, has repeatedly expressed concerns about the impact of technology and considers it a source of worry. The company is also looking into studying the less obvious yet more entrenched areas related to emerging technological risks.
With the formation of the preparedness team, OpenAI has called for ideas for risk studies, offering prizes of up to $25,000 and opportunities to work with the team. The company is actively working on developing an enlightened risk policy that outlines its approach to evaluating artificial intelligence models, monitoring tools, risk mitigation measures, and the organizational structure of oversight throughout development operations.
OpenAI aims to complete its work in the field of artificial intelligence safety, focusing on both pre-deployment and post-deployment stages of the model. The company believes in the potential for enhancing humanity through new technology and strives to ensure the availability of the necessary understanding and infrastructure for the safety of high-capacity artificial intelligence systems.